Use a virtual assistant to make summer holidays easier

The school summer holidays are coming once more. That’s great news for the kids, but it can put pressure on parents. Arranging childcare can be problematic and expensive, and it can be difficult to rely on friends and family.

So, why not take advantage of the summer holiday period to spend some time with your children – after all, they grow up fast. If you think your workload means you cannot afford to take any time out, think again. A virtual assistant is the ideal partner for those with their own businesses, who need a little time off to spend with loved ones, of any age.

A virtual assistant can support you by taking care of a range of tasks, across administration, marketing, bookkeeping and invoicing. And they can carry those essential tasks out for you, while you prioritise your time with your family. You may also find that the overall cost is comparable to paying for childcare – yet this way, you get to enjoy your time doing activities with your children, rather than seeing them only morning and evening.

How can you make the most of the opportunity that a virtual assistant could give you, to take a day or two off? Simply start by making a list of the tasks that will need to be carried out, over the next few weeks. Review the list, and ask yourself which of those tasks could be carried out for you, by an experienced and capable virtual assistant. Most VAs work for a variety of clients on a regular basis, so they are probably already well versed in carrying out the sort of tasks you might ask them to do. That means they will need the minimum of briefing, before they set to work on your behalf.

Remember that you only pay a virtual assistant for the time they spend working on your behalf – this is a far more cost-effective way to keep the wheels turning, than actually hiring a temporary member of staff. There’s no need to worry about tax or National Insurance, you simply receive a bill from your virtual assistant for the time the spent on your behalf, at a previously agreed rate.

By using a VA effectively, you can ensure that enquiries continue to get responded to, that invoices are dispatched and outstanding payments are chased up. You can also have your emails managed on your behalf, so that they don’t build up, while you take a little time off. And you can always ask your virtual assistant to make contact, should any important or urgent issues arise, while you are out of your office.

So, don’t let school summer holidays become a problem, turn them into an enjoyable opportunity to spend quality time with your children – call Time wise VA on 0161 211 9837 or contact us here to see how we can help you run your business, while you have a day or two off!

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