Uncovering the capabilities of Microsoft Word

It’s a powerful business tool, that many of us use. Yet most of us barely use 20% of the capabilities of Microsoft Word.

And that’s a shame, because those capabilities have the power to substantially improve your productivity, speeding up document production, preparation and handling. Shortcuts, or simply parts of the substantial menu that nobody has ever shown you, can make quick work of document editing and formatting. In short, if you use them, you’ll save time, and your work output will probably look better too.

Quite how valuable these many different tools are, will depend on what you primarily need to do with Microsoft Word documents. Are you primarily creating letters, quotations or estimates? Perhaps you regularly edit documents, requiring much cutting, copy and paste manoeuvres on the page.

Equally, you may never have been shown how to split the screen so you can see two documents at once, or how to split your document page with columns. All of these techniques can have considerable value when working in Word.

As virtual assistants, one of our virtues is ensuring we are fast, and highly efficient, in carrying out the work we do for you. So that means we’re always keeping up with the latest versions of Microsoft software products, and ensuring we know how to make the most of the software’s tricks and shortcuts.

To give you a flavour of how working smarter with Word can help you, here are a couple of examples. Bear in mind that the precise location of commands can vary, depending on which version of Word you are using, and on which type of computer it is running.

Hanging indents can be a different way of ensuring better readability in a report. The term means that the first line of a paragraph starts on the left, with the following lines of that paragraph all indented. If you want to see how it looks, go via the Indents and Spacing tab, look for the Special drop-down menu and select the Hanging option.

If you want to compare documents, how about splitting the screen? Simply go to View on the menu, click on the Side by Side option and your screen will split. In addition, if you select Synchronous Scrolling, then you can pass down through both documents at the same time – perfect for checking different versions of the same document.

If you need to know more, then why not ask? We could even help arrange a training session for you, if you want to improve your level of expertise in Microsoft Word. Many people never find out how much time they could have saved, by simply spending a short while learning how to use Word more efficiently. Don’t be one of them – get a little training!

Alternatively, give your document work to a virtual assistant, who can carry it out efficiently and quickly. That leaves you free to spend your time on the things you are really good at!

If you would like to discuss your requirements in more detail please feel free to contact us and see what we at Time Wise VA can do for you

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