Could September, final quarter, be your most creative month?

They’re back to school and we’re finally having the summer that never was.

September is often seen as the month of refocus and refreshment, with a seasonal boost in sales and a shift towards improvement and expansion in the impending New Year.

Could taking a more creative approach to this final quarter have a positive impact in your business?

Start with reviewing the year so far

A large majority of what you will want to achieve this final quarter will hinge on how this year was for business.

Taking a look back at your original year plan (if you have one)

  • Are you still on target to achieve those goals, or has your attention shifted?
  • Do you still understand who your target audience is?
  • Did your marketing show promising results?
  • Where are you promoting your business?
  • Why have you struggled to meet those targets?

When you take an honest and analytical approach to your year’s performance, you can start creating a plan for the remaining quarter, perhaps even getting a jump on what needs to be the focus for next year.

Take that honest evaluation and look for more creative solutions

You can’t keep doing the same thing whilst expecting different results! If it hasn’t been working for you so far, you need to take time out of the business to plan a new course for the rest of the year.

This might require collaboration from other professionals, research into other ways of working or an investment into better systems to make things more efficient.

If you’ve noticed that you struggle with marketing through written content, could you consider hosting free webinars? Would you benefit from hosting a podcast or live show on a social media platform?

Does your marketing have to be digital? It might be a worthwhile investment to have materials printed on flyers, produce branded products for distribution or consider networking in person to build a better connection to you and your brand.

Don’t just copy others this final quarter

It often feels much easier to follow the example of others. We’ve all seen it across every industry – cars that look similar, phones which offer similar functions. We take our inspiration from the world around us. But…what works for someone else, might not work for you and your business. In fact, it could take you so far down a route that you ultimately get stuck and can’t turn back! Can your business really afford that?

If time is your biggest constraint to feeling more creative, could you entrust less creative tasks to a virtual assistant? Maybe you need to understand your finances in more detail, as this will pivot the remainder of your time and investment, could you work with a professional for this type of support?

Let’s face it, most of your goals or performance will have something to do with your finances.

With over 30 years of experience, we’re familiar with the challenges that your business will encounter in this final quarter. Together, we can make a plan that maximises what you have now, as well as understanding where you want to be in the future. To find out how our support can improve your final quarter, and boost your business ready for 2024, fill in a contact form or call us directly 0161 211 9837