Business life hacks and productivity shortcuts – where do you start?

Most of us have heard that we can significantly improve our productivity, if we make the most of the latest apps and online tools out there.

But the irony is, many of those who stand to benefit, can’t find the time to search out the tools that will really make a difference. In fact, recent reports suggest that productivity in the UK is not rising as fast as it ought to be. So here’s a bright idea – why not get your virtual assistant to research what you need, and make recommendations for you.

Where to start? The market is awash with new productivity tools. Many of them today take the form of online software, meaning you can log in from anywhere for updates.

Then there are apps – usually designed for use on a smartphone, and sometimes designed by companies specifically to encourage the consumer to use their products or services. The trouble is, we often download apps to our phone, then never find time to learn how to use them effectively.

Banks and financial institutions, too, are coming up with new ways to reduce the friction around transactions, which can be managed effectively online. But are they suited to your specific needs?

Virtual assistants start from a great position. They work for many clients, and see many different ways of approaching tasks. And, more than likely, they have come across the best way to handle those tasks, using the tools currently available.

That means they will know the relative strengths and weaknesses of customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and the relative merits of different email newsletter systems such as Mailchimp and Constant Contact. They will be constantly on the lookout as new apps and online services are launched, checking them out to see what productivity benefits they might bring to their work for different clients.

Ask your VA to work out the best way for you to manage your expenses and bookkeeping, your email database, and customer contacts. They can check out the most efficient way to store your documents online, so that they can be easily shared across computer, tablet and smartphone. Booking hotels and travel tickets? They can establish a smart system for that too.

The small investment in getting a virtual assistant to evaluate efficiency tools could pay back handsomely. Imagine having 5% or even 10% of your time back, simply because you handle regular tasks in a more efficient way! That’s got to be well worth it. So, ask your VA today to give you an efficiency workover – you’ll be surprised at the results!

If you would like to find out more about what tools are available to you, how to use them and what Time Wise VA can do for you and your business, please call us on 0161 211 9837 or contact us here

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