Are you a “Goldilocks”?

If you can’t place the fable – it’s the tale of a young girl and a bear family, but our Goldilocks is a business owner.

On entering the bear’s house, Goldilocks is presented with 3 options to suit 3 of her own specific needs. Instead of carefully reviewing the risk factor of each decision, or considering the possible outcomes, she rather impulsively tries them all, with differing results, before finally settling on her “ideal solution”.

Maybe you can see where this is going already…

As a business owner, you’ll be faced with plenty of decisions

Some of them will be extremely easy to make, whilst others will require a lot more thought:

  • What will your branding look like
  • Who your ideal client is
  • How you’re going to market your services
  • Have you decided on what those services are?
  • Where you need to start networking
  • How much you are going to charge
  • What your capacity for work is

This is just scratching the surface!

As any entrepreneur will tell you, you will occasionally make mistakes.

Don’t panic! Each mistake can be a fantastic opportunity to learn, grow and become a more mature, savvy and strategic business owner.

Just avoid making mistakes that could cost you the business.

Part of your growth will include surrounding yourself with a network of more experienced business owners, who’s opinions you can trust. They will share their experiences, personal expertise, and become a sounding board at each crucial crossroad, helping you to sense check your ideas.

This will naturally reduce the amount of mistakes you’ll need to make before choosing a direction that best suits YOU and YOUR business.

Spoiler alert : We obviously recommend that one of those is your bookkeeper and accountant.

How can they become vital in your business’ development?

Quite simply, they know your numbers! By digesting those monthly and annual figures, your financial aid can tell you where you can afford to take risks, which areas of the business need further investment, and where you might need to cut back.

There is huge value in an objective decision to the question:

“Can I afford to take this risk?”

“Will I able to repay this investment?”

“Am I able to outsource XYZ?”

Looking for such support? Did you know that we provide bespoke support packages to suit your requirement?

With over 30 years of experience, we confidently work with our clients to build more profitable businesses, together. Just get in touch to find out more!